Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Getting there

Hi guys!

Im getting there, here are some shots of the sketches i have made so far... there is a long way to go though, but so far im pretty happy with my process :)  Enjoy them!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A bit of Mongolian Ethnic Touch

The past few weeks I have been obsessed with traditional Mongolian clothes, they are simply beautiful.
The design and the colors are breathtaking and the duality of bulkiness and fine detail is stunning. A few pictures what I mean:

 more of these pictures here: click

I hope you get what I mean. I find them so inspiring that I am going to incorporate some traditional motives into my own work now. I was thinking something similar to this one, i have done previously years ago in high school, (but off course much nicer, as that picture have been done ages ago :) )

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Hello guys!
 I decided to open this blog for two reasons, one is for myself to have a journal of my projects,secondly as everyboy was asking me to do so........... so here we go :)